Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I have plans/ideas/goals. I'm posting them here because, you know--accountability and transparency, etc.

Not too many people read this blog (one of them is my mother--Hi!) but it's out there and it's public and well, maybe I'll accomplish my goals sooner this way. We'll see.

Goal: a fab apartment.
1. I would like to make a slipcover for my couch. It's square, so I think if I could just get enough fabric, I could make a pretty good slipcover. I have visions of piping but I think that's too ambitious. The current slipcover is white and stained (from when Milo weighed one pound and had no control of his bowels). It's boring, too. Due date: August 15
2. I want more pictures for the walls. I want to make some, and I want to buy some, and I want them all framed. Due date: ongoing
3. Organization. Esp. closets. (Inspiration? petithiboux's 6/12 post). Due Date: August 1

Goal: skills
1. I want to learn how to use Illustrator. Due date for purchase of software: 6/30.
2. I would like to improve my Photoshop skills. Due date: ongoing
3. I would like to know how make an actual website, from scratch. Due date: September 1
4. Make a dress. Due: 7/15

Goal: education
1. Take more graphic design classes (fall 06/spring 07)
2. Take typography classes (fall 06/spring 07)
3. Portfolio (so I can apply for more classes!) due: January 2008.


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