Tuesday, June 13, 2006

first graphic design assignment

I'm taking intro to graphic design, and my second class is tonight. Our assignment was to come up with 24 4"x4" tiles, bound accordion-style, each one with a heart. Black and white. No patterns, shading, nothing--just hearts.

here's the whole shebang (background: the picturesque East river).

Here are some of the individual tiles:

To wrap the whole thing up, I bought some black ribbon and finally got to use my sewing machine's handy button-hole sewing foot.

For this project I only used markers. I could have made the heart images with a computer but I don't have Illustrator (nor do I know how to use it). Cutting up the tiles was another thing I did by hand, I tried to be as exact as I could but I would need more sophisticated tools than my scissors and T-square to come up with a more professional package. I really like some of the tiles, some I think are well-executed but I'm not really drawn (haha) to them. I also need to work on my finishing. I tried to minimize smudges but it turns out that the ink from one of my markers is soluble in rubber cement so there was some bleedthrough! I won't show it though. I hope white-out will be discreet enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment at the bottom should have appeared here, had I known how to write a comment for a blog... Anyway, I like it!

10:50 PM


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