Friday, August 25, 2006

craft fair!

I'll be in Paris, so I can't make it to this, but:

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I've been woefully remiss in both blogging and crafting lately. For the past few weeks, my job has been incredibly demanding and stressful. Also, with graphic design class wrapping up, I had to come in to work on the weekends (because I didn't have photoshop at home until last week!), and for some reason I can't fathom, my social life has picked up exponentially this month as well.

But! I am back, baby. I went to SI to visit Elkie a few weeks ago and she took me to Joann's...I had never been before. What a fantasy land of consumer/crafting temptations. There is one downside to living in Manhattan, and that is the lack of Joann. Elkie and her boyfriend also showed me all around SI and especially the delightful Snug Harbor, which is also a fantasy land of sorts since it is free, charming and not crowded. It was a great visit and they are the best hosts!